Small Business Consulting


small business consulting means talking to your clients

Take your Business to the next level!

Let us assist you by being your trusted small business advisor

One stop small business shop!

Your small business is your livelihood. It is what you spend most of your time doing and hopefully it is something that you really enjoy so let us take some of the worry away.

By being your trusted adviser on everything from marketing, advertising, finances, inventory management, competitor analysis and much more.

Even if it is just to catch up and go over your thoughts, plans or double check any other business matters.

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Areas we can help with

Every business is different. Unfortunately, there is no ‘cookie cutter’ approach that fits every business situation. That’s where we come in.

With over 20 years business experience we have seen all a lot of things, whether its a full service vCFO you need or ad hoc business advisory we have you covered.


Advertising & Marketing

We can help on a variety of different levels.

No campaign is too big or too small to handle.

Anything from creating a website right through to a multi faceted campaign, we have an expansive network to cater to your needs. 

General small business advice

Keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing is integral to any small business.

We specialise in analysing industry trends, competitor pricing as well as everything in between.

We can do the work so you don’t have to.

Inventory management

Managing your inventory is key to every small business.

Generally a big chunk of your cash is tied up in it.

We can help with stock turnover rates, inventory mix analysis as well as assist with stock clearance methods.

Forecasting and budgeting

This is key for any small business.

We use multiple tools and analysis strategies to give your business the best strategic direction.

Our insights and insights plus packages incorporate regular management reporting and meetings to keep your business on track.

How Can A Small Business Consulting Firm Help Run A Business?


Why Should You Trust Us For Your Small Business Consulting Needs?

If you run a business, you’ve probably come to a point when you asked yourself if you needed a consultant. The straight answer to this is yes. Regardless of what type of business you own, working with the right consultants can help your business stay ahead of the competition. On the other hand, hiring the wrong ones will not only waste your time and effort but cost you a lot of money. We at Edge Small Business Consulting will do all the research to get the extra knowledge your business needs to take it to the next level. Make us your next small business consulting firm today

What Do Small Business Consultants Do?

Business consultants are experts outside your business that you hire to solve internal business issues. The right consultant is a great source of specialized knowledge and has the right skills, knowledge, and experience to improve your business’ condition.

Compared to your employees, we work on our own schedules, may work for several clients, and can be hired on a project or contract basis. And depending on the firm, we may work as a freelancer or have our own team, which usually consists of two analysts and a project manager.

We can suggest ways on how to grow your business, sales and marketing development, and even help in executing them. Here’s a short breakdown of how a small business consulting process looks like:

Pre-Consulting Period

Before starting our business, this is the part where we set out the terms and conditions with you. This is to make sure that you fully understand the agreement.

Consulting Period

This phase generally consists of three parts: discovery (40%,) research (40%,) and presentation of recommendations (20%.) We give out all data during the presentation, which usually marks the end of the project.

Post-Consulting Period

We can give you two options. First, you can take our suggestions and apply them on your own. But if you feel like you still need our help, you can extend our contract.

Why Would You Need a Small Business Consulting Team?

Working with us is an effective way to update the skills and knowledge of your employees. Plus, we also incorporate fresh and new perspectives that your business can implement.

Here are the most common reasons clients turn to us for help:

To Help Identify the Problem/s

Sometimes, businesses may already be facing “symptoms” that lead to their low performance. These can include cash flow issues, a decrease in sales, or other internal management issues they may not know of. Our job is to observe your day-to-day operations and to perform some tests and research to find out the root cause of the problem.

To Find a Solution/s

Maybe you have a goal that you can’t achieve because of some skills gap or simply because it’s not within your business’ strengths. We as a small business consulting firm can help fill that gap to save you time and money and eventually, achieve a better result.

To Optimize

Let’s say your business has grown faster than expected. You know that there are a lot of things to learn but the problem is, you don’t know where to start. Our job as a business consultant is to come in and bring new perspectives, assess some or all areas of your business, and evaluate the processes and procedures to improve your productivity.

Where Can You Find Small Business Consultants?

Finding a consultant is probably the easiest part. You can always make a quick search online or ask family and friends if there are any small business consulting firms they recommend.

However, finding a good business consultant is the hard part. While there’s nothing wrong with reading and trusting online reviews, we highly recommend having an actual meeting with the consultant you choose—whether it’s in person or via a video call. Face-to-face interactions will give you a better “feel” if the feelings are mutual.

Is your consultant excited to work with you as you are to work with them? Does your consultant give out a positive and optimistic vibe? If you feel the exact opposite, you’re better off looking for another business consultant.

small business consulting brisbane

Why Work With Us for Your Small Business Consulting Needs?


Our team knows how much your small business means to you. It’s where you invested your sweat and tears and hopefully, it is something you truly enjoy. Our goal is to let you put all your efforts into running your business and to stop worrying about the “other” things. With that, why not leave your bookkeeping problems to us?

Here are some areas our team can help you with:

General Small Business Advice

Small businesses should always be aware of what their competitors are doing. We’re experts in understanding current trends, pricing analysis, and everything in between. We give you all the research so you don’t have to do a thing.



Advertising and Marketing

As your small business consulting firm, we can take on any challenge when it comes to these areas. Need help setting up a website? Do you want to do a multi-faceted campaign? We have the right tools and connections to help you through.

Inventory Management

Managing the inventory plays a huge role in any business since a huge amount of money is usually tied into it. Our team can help with stock turnover rates, inventory mix analysis, stock clearance methods, and any other concerns you may have.

Final Words on Small Business Consulting Services

Whatever type of business you’re in, we’re confident that our expertise can help you. No matter if you’re a start-up or already have plans of expanding, let our small business consulting team take your business to another level. Simply give us a call or drop us a line so we can schedule a “no obligations” chat with you. We’ll talk you through your options and even help you choose the right consultant for your business!